Good 'ol work.
I get off in approx. 1 hour and 43 minutes. I've been here since 9 am.
Today hasn't been very eventful, except for the daily crazy person who comes in claiming "I don't owe those fines! It wasn't me!!" Sure. Somebody took your card out of your wallet, checked something out, kept it, and then slipped your card back into your wallet after they proceded to keep the items they checked out so then you would get some fines for it. That sounds totally plausible. OH, but wait, "You guys don't have surveillance cameras here so you can't see if I checked out that DVD!" Only a guilty person who's conjured up a plan to say that would have actually said that. *sigh*.....the public......
So I have been reading for the past 3ish, maybe 4 days, the Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot.

First of all, I LOVE MEG CABOT!!!!!!!! Sorry, just have to yell it out. I have read so many books by her, and she is absolutely hilarious. Anyways, I was really, really dissapointed that the Princess Diaries movies wasn't ANYTHING like the book. 1. Mia's Grandma or Grandmere is really mean and I hate her. 2. Mia gets her first kiss by Josh before a dance, not in a warehouse on the beach. 3. Her dad is totally alive still. The list could go on and on. I know the movie is BASED on the book, BUT COME ON! You could at least make SOME of it like the book. Jeeze.
Okay, well i'm done venting/ranting. I should probably stop typing and help crazy patrons get books!
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