The last Friday before i'm back in school.
Today's weather is also very crappy. I woke up around 9 and wanted to go for a nice walk, but I looked outside and the ground was all wet. So I thought, I'll wait a little bit and see if it clears up. Well I did, but unfortunately, wet and a bit cool turned into humid and 84 degrees. Which is sad because I really wanted to walk but I really hate when it's hot out. So I guess i'll do it tonight with my Mom.
My friends coming over in a little bit and we're going to try and find college scholarships. I can't believe how expensive some of these colleges are. I'm gonna be in dept my whole life! Hopefully we can find some scholarships and apply and hopefully win and get money. That would be just lovely.

That's totally me right now because I start school on Wednesday. That means lots of studying, homework, and tests. I'm really not happy about that. My first semester shouldn't be all that hard though. Here's my schedule. Bolds my first semester classes and italics are my second.
1. Altern. Jewelry
2. Nutrition-Foods 1
College Writing
3. Western Civilization
Contemporary Reading
4. Economics
5. Physics
6. Pre-Calculus
Nutrition-Foods 2
So I guess it's an OK schedule. I suppose it'll be fun. I don't know. Guess i'll have to see when I start Wednesday. :(
p.s. : i'm having SO much trouble with this text being bold when it's not suppose to and the font being tiny when it's not suppose to! AHHHHH i've been trying to fix it for the last 20 minutes!!
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