Friday, October 31, 2008

Happpy Halloween!

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.

Busy, busy, lazy, busy. Haha.

Well, to catch up on the news, which really isn't all that much....except that it's HALLOWEEN!

Halloween is so fun and festive. People dressed up for school. I saw a Scooby Doo (he was this HUGE kid wearing this skin tight Scooby outfit, and it hugged the WRONG places lemme tell you), Thing 1 (or 2?), Ninja Turtles, Vikings, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Bumble Bee, lots of cats, a washing machine (seriously..), and lot's others. The Ninja Turtles won the costume contest. They were pretty sweet.

I'm going over my friends house later and handing out candy to the kiddies with him. I'm pretty excited. I've never handed out candy before. And seriously, if I see any kids over the age of 14, I'm not giving them jack. Sorry, but you too old. Go home.

:) xox


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